Posts tagged government
Town Meeting Day - A Vermont Tradition

Straight out of a Rockwell painting it seems.  Vermont Town Meeting Day is a special day exclusively to Vermont and its residents.  On the first Tuesday of every March, Vermont observes Town Meeting Day, a day on which the people of Vermont gather in public forums all over the state to “speak their mind” to their government officials, hold local elections, approve budgets, and conduct other town business. Town Meeting Day marks a special event in which residents meet in about 40 towns across Vermont. They discuss the business of their town and any issue is open to debate. They also elect local officials, approve a budget for the following year, and conduct other local business.

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Access to Government is Key to Vermont's Charm

It should come as no surprise, that the key to Vermont’s charm in terms of politics is it’s unfettered access to governmental leadership.  Perhaps in this day and age it is a surprise! A marvel held by many new Vermonters or transplants from other regions of the country is the access state representatives, senators, house speakers, lobbyists and yes, even the Governor, who can be seen driving to work just like the rest of us.

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